AC Servo Motors

If you need help, call (412) 492-8116

Servo Repair International, Inc. repairs and replaces many of the brands of servo motors, including Baumüller.

Baumüller history dates back to the 1930's as a electric motor repair shop which branched into series motor manufacturing after the World War Two. By the 60's production of DC motors had begun and Baumüller had begun to branch into drive design. In the 80's disc motors were introducted as well as opening a US business expanding their customer base and offerings. The 90's were full of years of drive technology advancement and expansion into the asian market through a joint project with KAT controls in India. While motor devolpment has since continued the biggest advancement for Baumüller much like other manufacturers is feedback technology and drive control while they continue to expand product availability to more markets.


Baumüller Motors


If your motor is not represented below, please call us as our capabilities are always expanding!

If your motor is not a Baumüller, refer to our AC Servo Motor list to view a list of manufacturers we can service.


Replacement Capabilities


In addition to repairing your Baumüller motor, SRI in most cases can offer an exact “Refurbished / Rebuilt” replacement.

Refurbished / Rebuilt replacements are completely tested and come with a one-year warranty. If you wish to pursue this option, call us at 412-492-8116.

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